Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Berry Swirl'Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Berry Swirl'

Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ ‘Berry Swirl’


This plant is no longer for sale directly from TERRA NOVA® Nurseries. However, it may still be available through one of our Licensees or Retail Sources.


Double orchid shades, some with a creamy-white center kissed with orchid edging. One of the world's top hybridizers, Marietta O'Byrne has created this wonderful WINTER JEWELS™ Strain. A delight in the winter garden. Deer resistant!

USDA Hardiness Zone(s): 5-8
Size (HT/W/FL HT): 12″ / 24″ / 14″
Exposure: Part Shade, Full Shade
Bloom Time(s): March, April, May

Common Name Double Hellebore
Family Ranunculaceae
species x hybridus
Plant Series
Plant Type
Hardiness Zone , , ,
Growth Habit
Size (HT/W/FL HT) 12" / 24" / 14"
Bloom Time , ,
Growth Rate
Most Active Growing Season ,
Flower Color ,
Foliage Color
Soil (Garden) Needs good drainage in fertile, humus rich soil.
pH 6-7
Exposure ,
Special Uses , , ,
Nutritional Needs 150 - 200 ppm
Dormancy Dormancy Required, Dormant in Winter
Water (Greenhouse) Keep evenly moist
Water (Garden) Average
How Different? This is a large flowered double strain in orchid shades. It has larger and fuller flowers than the "Party Dress" series.
Landscape Value Mixed beds, cottage garden, understory.
Finish Time to 4" 8 - 10 weeks
Grower Notes For spring blooming plants, transplant the summer before. Helleborus grow best (greenhouse production) when day temperatures are 50-65° F and night temperatures are 45-55° F. Spring/Summer growing: 50% shade in the northern states, 70% shade for southern states is beneficial.